forgetting what I was supposed to be doing

Take a sharpie and circle the bite mark and write the time you were bitten on your skin useful for doctors to know exactly where you were bit and when because the area will begin to swell). The paramedics should arive to treat you before it becomes necessary to draw again, but IF paramedics are unable to get to you quickly every hour draw a line on your skin where the inflammation has traveled (doctors can use this to estimate how badly and quickly you are reacting to the venom. Try to stay calm. swimwear sale Of course, while you might have the right conditions to send, the question is if you are lucky enough to be able to receive.dresses sale My understanding is that USUALLY if you can do one, and the other person has a good transmitter, you can get a callback.During the cold war before the advent of communications satellites and such, the DoD experimented by launching up into space a metric fuckton of little copper wires. The plan was that these would form a (very rough) ring around the planet, and if you beamed a strong enough signal into the ring, then the ring as a whole would absorb and reflect, basically sending the signal down EVERYWHERE.The damn thing worked too, but it was decided that the system wasn terribly useful, both because you couldn hide the signals from your enemy and because you couldn stop them from using it too. swimwear sale swimwear sale That the clifnotes version if you interested in reading more, possibly check out karl popper and the logical positivistsThere is always evidence that can conflate with a theory.Because of the implications of the word.I hold no privilege in this society, as I am not a part of it, but I can see why people would take offense to someone saying "you have it easier then some other people" which the word "privilege" implies.It can easily be taken as an affront against hard work.You are trying to assign new meaning to a word and expecting people to forget the old one. Having privilege used to mean something granted to you, something that makes your life easier and better. Now, at least in these circles, the meaning has changed.If I recall correctly, falsifiability is just whether or not something can be proven wrong.Assuming I am recalling correctly, this means it is a bit of a broken word, because every assertion can be proven wrong by proving its negative. swimwear sale beach dresses Most millennials hope to invest at some point before 35 years of age, and with increasing life spans due to medical advances, owning stock and exposure to risk will become even more important. Even today, we look for value, and although many companies do not deserve the valuation they are given, they perform better than expected in disappointing times due to biased investors. Interest in small cap stocks will decrease, and blind investing into brand names will continue to go on. beach dresses dresses sale Is the man evil? Yes! Of fucking course he is! If the Tribunal could save a trillion lives just by nudging a stone by one inch, they would not bother. They are callous and evil beyond compare, because every single incident of suffering and death, anywhere, in the entire multiverse, is their fault. They could prevent all of it, and they don The marvel universe is being hypocritical by not casting them as the greatest of all it villains after all, isn it the case that "with great power comes great responsibility?" Shouldn it follow that with absolute power comes absolute responsibility?. dresses sale Monokinis swimwear I was just there in December! We dove with Black Pearl Divers on the southeast side of the island (AK is on the northwest side) and we stayed at Las Verandas. A little pricey and out of the way, but a beautiful hotel in general, and the dive company brought us to and from the boat every day. One of the days I had planned to dive was a day that a big cruise ship came in, so they rearranged with me so that I wouldn be stuck on a boat with a bunch of DSD people from the cruise). Monokinis swimwear Bathing Suits Like, try to talk to a friend who is having a bad day on the phone while I grocery shop? Nope. I end up pacing the isles and forgetting what I was supposed to be doing. I just got to put aside some time to talk to friend, then deal with reorganizing my time for what I had planned to do. Bathing Suits cheap bikinis I can just drop to the ground and start doing push ups. So push ups are much more convenient than bench presses. They are also safer. Una vez que hayas realizado tu compra, enviaremos el vale regalo tan pronto como el pago se haya procesado o en la fecha especfica de entrega (si sta es ms tarde). Lamentablemente no podemos ser considerados responsables por retrasos, sin importar cmo se hayan causado. A veces, los vales de regalo pueden quedar atrapados por los filtros de Correo no Deseado, as que pide al destinatario que compruebe estos filtros cheap bikinis.


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